The Goals

The long term aims of this project is to raise money to re stand the many fallen grave stones around Scotland while helping those with little funds to bury their dead.

Such a project would require year on year funding and bring jobs to those who would refurbish the many grave yards where health and safety laws are now devastating these beautiful places of history and sense of place. Stones that are either loose or show signs of age are being forcible pulled down when in fact they should be repaired. Though with councils ever facing cut backs and families long dead, its impossible to repair these stones where its simpler to pull them down.
Personally I would legalise marijuana and use the tax raised to fund this entire project. Then after all the cemeteries are restored the greater bulk of funds would be used to bury our dead and help those in their greatest hour and sorrow.. "cameronissim the true spirit of scotland". Cameronissim is freedom and freedom of speech keeps the tyrants at bay, to which the London mayor Sadiq Khan is a racist when he attacks free speech, which is part of my religion and human rights he now violates.

This project is the true spirit of cameronissim my religion and like all others its protected under the human rights act. Therefore to attack or defame it would be a HATE CRIME. "Scotland the heart of god cameronissm"

Friday, 1 November 2013

So many people walk past old grave yards and never think to give them a second glance unless its in times of sadness. Hawkhead is well over 100 years old like most cemeteries around paisley and I like to think people will stop and look at my images. If only they inspire everyone to visit the resting place of those who made their town what it is.

Hawkhead is cleverly landscaped and springs into life during the Autumn months sunlight, where the changing colour catches the eye to the point you some times forget your even in a grave yard.

So far I’ve mapped Woodside, Abbey, BroomwardHawkhead, Castlehead, Oakshaw trinity church, Johnston high parish church and recently Evangelical Union Church Cemetery Grounds, Renfrew cemetery, Beith Auld Kirk & Beith Cemetery for Google maps, to which I have over 2000 images posted. All of which I done on my own time and at my own expense to which I’m glad I done it. Though there are other cemeteries around paisley I would also like to map, yet the need for funds for newer equipment is always on my mind.

You either like or dislike grave yards much like you either like taking photos of people full of life or standing in place most people would rather not think about. So I think I’m best suited for this type of photography and there fore one of those best suited for continuing with this unpaid project of remembrance.

So the way I see it, we all grow old and die others move away leaving their past behind while never forgetting their roots. So by placing these images on Google maps, it brings some comfort to those who may never return to their place of birth, but still allow them the opportunity to remember their families during times of remembrance when they see images of were their loved ones now rest. Much like it offers them the opportunity to point out to their own families who may one day return to their parents homeland. A place of reference to where their ancestors are buried and allow them to visit and lay flowers of remembrance one last time on their behalf.

Please note image may take days or weeks to appear on the world map so visit my main page to see what's new...

Please visit my kick starter page & help continue with this project of remembrance.

Hawkhead Cemetery Paisley Scotland.

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